Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

I stuck to last week's menu plan for the beginning of the week, then switched it up a little starting on Wednesday night, when we had leftovers that were starting to take over the fridge. It was a busy week, so by Thursday I didn't feel a whole lot like cooking; we had grilled cheese and tomato soup. Friday was very cold outside, so we warmed up with chili. Saturday we had the Parmesan drumsticks originally set for Wednesday. It's good to have a plan, but also to keep things flexible! Here's what we're eating this week:
Sunday--Frozen pizza
Monday--Pork loin, sweet potatoes, veggie
Tuesday--Brats, fried potatoes, veggies & dip
Wednesday--Fish tacos (something new for our family!)
Thursday--Chicken and rice
Friday--Homemade pizza
Saturday--Shrimp and sides? Spaghetti? Hamburger soup? Whatever we feel like at the end of the week.

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